Immigration Scams
Migration Agents Melbourne · Immigration Scams · To verify that To Legal is a law firm, we provide links to the Legal Services Board website.
Undeniably, the Internet and modern technology are revolutionary items and have changed our lives and in most cases for the better. Especially from a social point of view as it has allowed friends and family members to keep in touch with each other across international borders and businesses to operate more smoothly across international waters. However, unfortunately with these benefits, there is a high risk of exposure to scams and fraud, including immigration scams.
Therefore, to give comfort to our potential clients (in particular overseas clients) that they are dealing with a legitimate, registered and licensed law firm, we encourage visitor to our website to independently verify that our principal, Jay To is an Australian Lawyer (click to verify).
Immigration Scams in the Media
Undoubtedly, scams and fraud come in different shapes and sizes and occurs in different industries, which include the Australian immigration industry. For example, immigration scams are exposed in the media:
- ‘We paid you $35,000 and we got nothing’: Migration business investigated for alleged visa rip-off
- Indian migration firm charged over $4 million Australian visa fraud
- Migration agent barred for five years over fraudulent conduct
- ‘Pay $6,000 or immediately leave Australia’ – Migrant duped in phone scam
- International students lose thousands of dollars in alleged visa fraud
- Ripped off and kicked out: Immigrants rorted by dodgy migration agents
- Foreign Students Allegedly Scammed By Education Agency
- Singh Jailed for Running Visa Scam
- Businessman jailed on Fraud Charges Fake Visa
- Fake immigration agent avoids jail
- Immigration Audits Reveal Large Scale Visa Fraud
To reduce the risk of being a potential victim of a fraud or scam, we recommend visitors to ‘Migration Agents Melbourne’ to look for ‘Warning Signals‘ such as where a business:
- has no address
- has no phone number
- does not show its Migration Agents Registration Number (MARN), if a registered migration agent
Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, then 9 times out of 10, it is unlikely to be true.
Therefore, for professional immigration services, contact Migration Agents Melbourne.