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Migration Agents Melbourne

188 Visa: Golden Ticket

A “radical reshaping” of Australia’s 188 Visa: Golden Ticket program has left Chinese millionaires in limbo. Every category of Australian visas experienced a backlog during COVID-19. The government has cut processing times, but not for more than 3,000 BIIP holders.

Australia and India: MATES

Australia and India: MATES

A new migration deal signed between Australia and India is being hailed as a win for both nations. Accordingly, visa rules will be changed to boost labour mobility. Furthermore, this includes the creation of a new pilot scheme called MATES for Australia and India.

482 Visa TSMIT increases to $70000

482 Visa TSMIT increased to $70000

From 1 July 2023, the TSMIT will increase from $53,900 to $70,000. New nomination applications from​ this date will need to meet the new TSMIT of $70,000 or the annual market salary rate, whichever is higher. This change will not affect existing visa holders.

Visitor Visa

400000 Migrants to Australia in 2023

Australia is expecting a record-breaking number of migrants this year, with 400,000 people entering the country in net terms.

The influx has led to discussions among political leaders about new housing measures. Tougher visa rules to deal with the changing landscape.

Australian Citizenship for NZ Citizens

Australian Citizenship for NZ Citizens

​From 1 July 2023, New Zealand citizens who have been living in Australia for four years or more will be eligible to apply directly for Australian citizenship. They will no longer need to first apply for and be granted a permanent visa.